Developed in collaboration by
California Fertilization
Dry Beans
Pod Set
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Canevari, M., Roberts, P., Gepts, P., 2014. Lima bean production in California. UC ANR Publication 8505.
- Long, R., Temple, S., Schmierer, J., Canevari, M., Meyer, R.D.,
2010. Common dry bean production in California, 2nd edition. UC ANR
Publication 8402.
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University of Idaho Extension.
- California Plant Health Association, 2002. Western Fertilizer
Handbook 9th edition. Interstate Publishers, Inc.
- Canizella, B.T., Moreira, A., Moraes, L.A.C., Fageria, N.K., 2015.
Efficiency of magnesium use by common bean varieties regarding
yield, physiological components, and nutritional status of plants.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 46, 1376-1390.
Hall, A.E., Frate, C.A., 1996. Blackeye bean production in
California. UC ANR Publication 21518.
- Hall, R., Schwartz, H.F., 1993. Common bean. In: Bennett, W.F.,
(Ed.). Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities in Crop Plants. The
American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul., MN. pp 149-156.
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oilseed and pulse crops. II: Vertical distribution patterns across
the soil profile. Field Crops Research 12, 248-255.
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Canevari, M., Roberts, P., Gepts, P., 2014.
Hall., A.E., Frate, C.A., 1996. Lima bean production in
California. UC ANR Publication 8505.
- Long, R., Temple, S., Schmierer, J., Canevari, M., Meyer, R.D.,
2010. Common dry bean production in California, 2nd edition. UC ANR
Publication 8402.
- Lorenz, O.A., Tyler, K.B., 1976. Plant tissue analysis of vegetable crops.
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