Prune and Plum Nitrogen Uptake and Partitioning
Seasonal N Uptake
Nitrogen in prune trees [9].
Nitrogen uptake from soil is minimal during dormancy and
low during bud swell. Nitrogen uptake is
greatest during the summer and early fall
Nitrogen Partitioning
Nitrogen distribution in 12-year old
heavily cropping prune trees. Whole trees
were excavated and analyzed at prune
harvest [9].
Nitrogen Removed at Harvest
Nitrogen removed with
harvested prunes and plums. The values include N removed in fruits and pits.
The overall average is weighted for the number of observations in each trial. More
information can be found here [2].
Prune and Plum Fertilization Guidelines
- Brown, P.H. Niederholzer, F., Sepulveda R., 2014. Development of nutrient management
tools for prunes. Report submitted to the
California Dried Plum Board.
- Geisseler, D., 2016. Nitrogen concentrations in
harvested plant parts -A literature overview.
Report to the Kings River Watershed Coalition.
- Niederholzer, F., 2014. Efficient nitrogen management in
prune production. Glenn County Orchard Facts,
April 2014.
- Southwick, S.M., Rupert, M.E., Yeager, J.T.,
Weis, K.G., DeJong, T., Shackel, K., Bonin, A.,
1996. Nitrogen fertigation of young prune
trees and effects on horticultural performance.
Report submitted to the California Dried
Plum Board.
- United States Department of Agriculture Natural
Resources Conservation Service. Crop Nutrient Tool.
- Vitanova, I., Dimkova, S., Marinova, N.,
Ivanova, D., Kutinkova, H., 2010. Pomological and
chemical characteristics of some Bulgarian plum
cultivars. Acta Horticulturae 874, 317-320.
- Weinbaum, S.A., Merwin, M.L., Muraoka, T.T.,
1978. Seasonal variation in nitrate uptake
efficiency and distribution of absorbed nitrogen in
non-bearing prune trees. Journal of the American
Society for Horticultural Science 103, 516-519.
- Weinbaum, S.A., Johnson, R.S., DeJong, T.M.,
1992. Causes and consequences of overfertilization
in orchards. HortTechnology 2, 112-121.
- Weinbaum, S.A., Niederholzer, F.J.A., Ponchner,
S., Rosecrance, R.C., Carlson, R.M., Whittlesey,
A.C., Muraoka, T.T., 1994. Nutrient uptake by
cropping and defruited field-grown 'French' prune
trees. Journal of the American Society of
Horticultural Science 119, 925-930.
- Wooldridge, J., Schutte, C., 2003. Effect of
planting density on dry matter partitioning in
young 'Laetitia' / 'Marianna' plum trees grown in
lysimeter tanks. South African Journal of Plant and
Soil 20, 6-10.