Wheat Nitrogen Uptake and Partitioning
Seasonal N Uptake

Nitrogen uptake of wheat determined by harvesting the
aboveground biomass at different times during the growing
Wheat took up little N until tillering. Most N was taken up
between tillering and flowering [4].
Nitrogen Partitioning

At maturity, about three fourths of the aboveground N has been
found to be in the grains, while one fourth is in the straw
Nitrogen Removed at Harvest
Nitrogen removed with harvested grains of common
and durum wheat. The overall average is weighted for the
number of observations in each trial. More information can be found here [1].
Common wheat
Durum wheat
Data is derived from protein content reported from 2013-2015 in
the California Wheat Variety Survey [3].
The N content in wheat grains is generally calculated by dividing the
protein content by 5.7 [5]. Only
locations in the Central Valley were used.
Wheat Fertilization Guidelines
- Geisseler, D., 2016. Nitrogen concentrations in harvested plant
parts -A literature overview. Report to the Kings River
Watershed Coalition.
- Linquist, B.A., Cassman, K.G., Fulton, A.E., Jackson,
L.F., 1992. Late-season nitrogen may be efficient way to
increase winter wheat protein. California Agriculture 46
(2), 13-16.
- Mayo P., Prato D., Fraser J., Jackson, L., Gallagher,
L.W., Chicaiza, O., del Blanco, A., Maciel, F.T., Culp, D.,
Banuelos, G., Kirby, D., Wilson, R., Marcum, D., Marsh, B.,
Orloff, S., Lundy, M., Munier, D., Wright, S., Dubcovsky,
J. Regional barley, common wheat and triticale,
and durum wheat performance tests in California.
- McGuire, A.M., Bryant, D.C., Denison, R.F. 1998. Wheat
yields, nitrogen uptake, and soil moisture following winter
legume cover crop vs. fallow. Agronomy Journal 90, 404-410.
- Undersander, D., Mertens, D.R., Thiex, N., 1993.
Forage analyses procedures. National Forage Testing
Association, Ohama, NE.