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  • Potato Production in California
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  • UC Nutrient Management Database
  • Potato Association of America
  • California Fertilization Guidelines


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    Nitrogen (N)   


      Soil Test

    Petiole Analysis

     Preplant N

    Starter N

       Soil Applied N

    Foliar N


    Phosphorus (P2O5)   


    Soil Test

    Petiole Analysis

    Preplant P

    Starter P

    Soil Applied P

    Foliar P


    Potassium (K2O)   


    Soil Test

    Petiole Analysis

    Preplant K

    Starter K

    Soil Applied K

    Foliar K





    1. "Foliar fertilization: Can potato growers benefit?" Potato Grower Magazine, December 2010. Accessed 7/2/2015.
    2. Ahmadi, S.H., Sespakhah, A.R., Andersen, M.N., Plauborg, F., Jensen, C.R., Hansen, S., 2014. Modeling root length density of field grown potaotes under different irrigation strategies and soil textures using artificial neural networks. Field Crops Research 162, 99-107.
    3. Atkinson, D., Geary, B., Stark, J., Love, S., Windes, J., 2003. Potato varietal responses to nitrogen rate and timing. Presented at the Idaho Potato Conference, 1/22/2003.
    4. Gaskell, M., Hartz, T., 2011. Application of the "4R" nutrient stewardship concept to horticultural crops: selecting the "right" nutrient source. HortTechnology 21, 663-666.
    5. Grove, I.G., Haydock, P.P.J., Evans, K., Lewis, D.J., 1999. Basal fertiliser application method, tuber initiation nitrogen, foliar NPK and the tolerance of potatoes to infection by the potato cyst nematodes Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida. Annals of Applied Biology 134, 205-214.
    6. Hartz, T.K., 2007. Efficient nitrogen management for cool-season vegetables.
    7. Hartz, T.K., 2010. Using the pre- sidedressing soil nitrate 'Quick Test' to guide N fertilizer management.
    8. Hartz, T.K., Hochmuth, G.J.,1996. Fertility management of drip-irrigated vegetables. HortTechnology 2, 27-32.
    9. Hartz, T.K., Smith, R.F., 2009. Controlled-release fertilizer for vegetable production: the California experience. HortTechnology 19, 20-22.
    10. Hopkins, B., Stark, J., 2010. Potato Nutrition. In: Bohl., W.H., Johnson, S.B., (Eds.). Commercial Potato Production in North America. American Potato Journal Supplement Vol. 57, second revision. pp. 57-62.
    11. Kelling, K.A., Hensler, R.F., Speth, P.E., 2015. Importance of early-season nitrogen rate and placement to Russet Burbank potatoes. American Journal of Potato Research. DOI: 10.1007/s12230-015-9464-6.
    12. Kleinschmidt, G.D.,1984. Starter Fertilizer for Optimum Potato Yields. Proceedings of the University of Idaho Winter Commodities Schools, 1984.
    13. Lambert, D.H., Powelson, M.L., Stevenson, W.R., 2005. Nutritional interactions influencing diseases of potato. American Journal of Potato Research 82, 309-319.
    14. Lang, N.S., Stevens, R.G., Thornton, R.E., Pan, W.L., Victory, S., 1999. Potato nutrient management for central Washington. Washington State University Cooperative Extension publication EB1871.
    15. Lesczynski, D.B., Tanner, C.B., 1976. Seasonal variation of root distribution of irrigated, field-grown Russet Burbank potato. American Potato Journal 53, 69-78.
    16. Lorenz, O.A., 1944. Studies on potato nutrition: I. The effects of fertilizer treatment on the yield and composition of Kern County potatoes. American Potato Journal 21, 179-192.
    17. Lorenz,O.A., Bishop, J.C., Hoyle, B.J., Zobel, M.P., Minges, P.A., Doneen, L.D., Ulrich, A., 1954. Potato fertilizer experiments in California. California Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 744.
    18. Lorenz, O.A., Tyler, K.B., 1976. Plant tissue analysis of vegetable crops. In: Reisenauer, H.M. (Ed.). Soil and Plant-Tissue Testing in California. University of California, Division of Agricultural Sciences, Bulletin 1879. pp. 24-29.

    19. TOP OF PAGE

    20. Lorenz, O.A., Weir, B.L., Bishop, J.C., 1974. Effect of sources on nitrogen on yield and nitrogen absorption of potatoes. American Potato Journal 51, 56-65.
    21. Maharjan, B., Venterea, R.T., Rosen, C., 2014. Fertilizer and irrigation management effects on nitrous oxide emissions and nitrate leaching. Agronomy Journal 106, 703-614.
    22. Meisinger, J.J., Bouldin, D.R., Jones, E.D., 1978. Potato yield reductions associated with certain fertilizer mixtures. American Potato Journal 55, 227-234.
    23. Millard, P., Robinson, D., 1990. Effect of the timing and rate on nitrogen fertilization on the growth and recovery of fertilizer nitrogen within the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crop. Fertilizer Research 21, 133-140.
    24. Mukherjee, S.K., De, R., Saxena, P.N., 1966. Efficiency of utilization of soil- and foliar- applied nitrogen and phosphorus as revealed by tuber production and nutrient uptake of potatoes. Soil Science 102, 278-283.
    25. Pan, W.L., Bolton, R.R., Lundquist, E.J., Hiller, L.K., 1998. Portable rhizotron and color scanner system for monitoring root development. Plant and Soil 200, 107-112.
    26. Roberts, S., Cheng, H.H., Buttler, I.W., 1992. Recovery of starter nitrogen-15 fertilizer with supplementarily applied ammonium nitrate on irrigated potato. American Potato Journal 69, 309-314.
    27. Roberts, S., Cheng, H.H., Farrow, F.O., 1991. Potato uptake and recovery of nitrogen-15-enriched ammonium nitrate from periodic applications. Agronomy Journal 83, 378-381.
    28. Rosen, C.J., 2013. Potato fertilization on irrigated soils (reviewed in 2021). University of Minnesota Extension
    29. Rosen, C.J, Kelling, K.A., Stark, J.C., Porter, G.A., 2014. Optimizing phosphorus fertilizer management in potato production. American Journal of Potato Research 91, 145-160.
    30. Shahnazari, A., Ahmadi, S.H., Laerke, P.E., Liu, F., Plauborg, F., Jacobsen, S.-E., ... Anderson, M.N., 2008. Nitrogen dynamics in the soil-plant system under deficit and partial root- zone drying irrigation strategies in potatoes. European Journal of Agronomy 28, 65-73.
    31. Stark, J.C., Porter, G.A., 2005. Potato nutrient management in sustainable cropping systems. American Journal of Potato Research 82, 329-338.
    32. Stark, J., Westermann, D., Hopkins, B., 2004. Nutrient management guide for Russet Burbank potatoes. University of Idaho Extension bulletin 840.
    33. Taysom, T.W., Hopkins, B.G., Shiffler, A.K., Stephens, S.C., 2007. Polymer coated urea in potato production. Western Nutrient Management Conference 7, 169-175.
    34. Timm, H., Doneen, L.D., Lyons, T., Bishop, J.C., Schweers, V.H., Stockton, J.R., 1960. Potato quality lowered in field tests with high nitrogen fertilization. California Agriculture 14, 13-13.
    35. Tindula, G.N., Orang., M.N., Snyder, R.L., 2013. Survey of irrigation methods in California in 2010. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 139, 233-238.
    36. Ulrich, A., 1993. Potato. In: Bennett, W.F., (Ed.). Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities in Crop Plants. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul., MN. pp 149-156.
    37. Voss, R.E., 2004. Reducing fertilizer needs of potato with new varieties and clonal strains of existing varieties. FREP final report
    38. Wilson, R., Culp, D., Nicholson, K., 2012. Classic Russet and Russet Norkotah potato yield and quality response to nitrogen fertilization. UC ANR Research Report #151, 2012.
    39. Zebarth, B.J., Leclerc, Y., Moreau, G., 2004. Rate and timing of nitrogen fertilization of Russet Burbank potato: Nitrogen use efficiency. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 3, 845-854.


    1. Allison, M.F., Fowler, J.H., Allen, E.J., 2001. Effects of soil- and foliar- applied phosphorus fertilizers on the potato (Solanum tuberosum) crop. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge 137, 379-395.
    2. Curless, M.A., Kelling, K.A., Speth, P.E., 2004. Nitrogen and phosphorus availability from liquid dairy manure to potatoes. American Journal of Potato Research 82, 287-297.
    3. Davenport, J.R., Milburn, P.H., Rosen, C.J., Thornton, R.E., 2005. Environmental impacts of potato nutrient management. American Journal of Potato Research 82, 321-328.
    4. Hartz, T.K., 2007. Soil testing for nutrient availability procedures and interpretation for California crop production.
    5. Hopkins, B.G., Ellsworth, J.W., Bowen, T.R., Cook, A.G., Stephens, S.C., Jolley, V.D.,... Eggett, D.,2010. Phosphorus fertilizer timing for Russet Burbank potato grown in calcareous soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition 33, 529-540.
    6. Hopkins, B.G., Horneck, D.A., MacGuidwin, A.E., 2014. Improving phosphorus use efficiency through potato rhizosphere modification and extension. American Journal of Potato Research 91, 161-174.
    7. Hopkins, B., Stark, J., 2010. Potato Nutrition. In: Bohl., W.H., Johnson, S.B., (Eds.). Commercial Potato Production in North America. American Potato Journal Supplement Vol. 57, 2nd revision. pp. 57-62.
    8. Lambert, D.H., Powelson, M.L., Stevenson, W.R., 2005. Nutritional interactions influencing diseases of potato. American Journal of Potato Research 82, 309-319.
    9. Lang, N.S., Stevens, R.G., Thornton, R.E., Pan, W.L., Victory, S., 1999. Potato nutrient management for central Washington. Washington State University Cooperative Extension publication EB1871.
    10. Lorenz, O.A., 1944. Studies on potato nutrition: I. The effects of fertilizer treatment on the yield and composition of Kern County potatoes. American Potato Journal 21, 179-192.
    11. Lorenz,O.A., Bishop, J.C., Hoyle, B.J., Zobel, M.P., Minges, P.A., Doneen, L.D., Ulrich, A., 1954. Potato fertilizer experiments in California. California Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 744.
    12. Lorenz, O.A., Tyler, K.B., 1976. Plant tissue analysis of vegetable crops. In: Reisenauer, H.M. (Ed.). Soil and Plant-Tissue Testing in California. University of California, Division of Agricultural Sciences, Bulletin 1879. pp. 24-29.
    13. Mukherjee, S.K., De, R., Saxena, P.N., 1966. Efficiency of utilization of soil- and foliar- applied nitrogen and phosphorus as revealed by tuber production and nutrient uptake of potatoes. Soil Science 102, 278-283.
    14. Pursglove, J.D., Sanders, F.E., 1981. The growth and phosphorus economy of early potato (Solanum tuberosum). Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 12, 1105-1121.
    15. Reisenauer, H.M., Quick, J., Voss, R.E., Brown, A.L., 1976. Soil test interpretive guides. In: Reisenauer, H.M. (Ed.). Soil and Plant-Tissue Testing in California. University of California, Division of Agricultural Sciences, Bulletin 1879. pp. 38-40.
    16. Rosen, C.J., Bierman, P.M., 2008. Potato yield and tuber set as affected by phosphorus fertilization. American Journal of Potato Research 85, 110-120.
    17. Rosen, C.J, Kelling, K.A., Stark, J.C., Porter, G.A., 2014. Optimizing phosphorus fertilizer management in potato production. American Journal of Potato Research 91, 145-160.
    18. Stark, J., Westermann, D., Hopkins, B., 2004. Nutrient management guide for Russet Burbank potatoes. University of Idaho Extension bulletin 840.
    19. Thornton, M.K., Novy, R.G., Stark, J.C., 2014. Improving phosphorus use efficiency in the future. American Journal of Potato Research 91, 175-179.
    20. Ulrich, A., 1993. Potato. In: Bennett, W.F., (Ed.). Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities in Crop Plants. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul., MN. pp 149-156.
    21. Voss, R.E., 2004. Reducing fertilizer needs of potato with new varieties and clonal strains of existing varieties. FREP final report


    1. Davenport, J.R., Bentley, E.M., 2001. Does potassium fertilizer form, source and time of application influence potato yield and quality in the Columbia basin? American Journal of Potato Research, 78, 311-318.
    2. Davenport, J.R., Bentley, E.M., Whitley, K.M., 2001. Potassium fertilizers and potato yield and quality in the Columbia basin.
    3. "Foliar fertilization: Can potato growers benefit?" Potato Grower Magazine, December 2010. Accessed 7/2/2015.
    4. Hartz, T.K., 2007. Soil testing for nutrient availability procedures and interpretation for California crop production.
    5. Hopkins, B.G., Horneck, D.A., MacGuidwin, A.E., 2014. Improving phosphorus use efficiency through potato rhizosphere modification and extension. American Journal of Potato Research 91, 161-174.
    6. Hopkins, B., Stark, J., 2010. Potato Nutrition. In: Bohl., W.H., Johnson, S.B., (Eds.). Commercial Potato Production in North America. American Potato Journal Supplement Vol. 57, 2nd revision. pp. 57-62.
    7. Horneck, D., 2010. Potassium and chloride in potatoes: Data from the PNW. Plant Management Network, International.
    8. Horneck, D., Rosen, C., 2008. Measuring nutrient accumulation rates of potatoes-tools for better management. Better Crops 92, 4- 6.
    9. Khan, M.Z., Akhtar, M.E., Safdar, M.N., Mahmood, M.M., Ahman, S., Ahmed, N., 2010. Effect of source and level of potash on yield and quality of potato tubers. Pakistan Journal of Botany 42, 3137-3145.
    10. Laboski, C.A.M., Kelling, K.A., 2007. Influence of fertilizer management and soil fertility on tuber specific gravity: a review. American Journal of Potato Research 84, 283- 290.
    11. Lang, N.S., Stevens, R.G., Thornton, R.E., Pan, W.L., Victory, S., 1999. Potato nutrient management for central Washington. Washington State University Cooperative Extension publication EB1871.
    12. Lorenz, O.A., 1944. Studies on potato nutrition: I. The effects of fertilizer treatment on the yield and composition of Kern County potatoes. American Potato Journal 21, 179-192.
    13. Lorenz,O.A., Bishop, J.C., Hoyle, B.J., Zobel, M.P., Minges, P.A., Doneen, L.D., Ulrich, A., 1954. Potato fertilizer experiments in California. California Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 744.
    14. Lorenz, O.A., Tyler, K.B., 1976. Plant tissue analysis of vegetable crops. In: Reisenauer, H.M. (Ed.). Soil and Plant-Tissue Testing in California. University of California, Division of Agricultural Sciences, Bulletin 1879. pp. 24-29.
    15. Mohr, R.M., Tomasiewicz., D.J., 2012. Effect of rate and timing of potassium chloride application on the yield and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L., 'Russet Burbank'). Canada Journal of Plant Science 92, 783-794.
    16. Oswald, J.W., Lorenz, O.A., Bowman, T., Snyder, M., Hall, H., 1958. Potato fertilization and internal black spot. California Agriculture 12, 8-10.
    17. Reisenauer, H.M., Quick, J., Voss, R.E., Brown, A.L., 1976. Soil test interpretive guides. In: Reisenauer, H.M. (Ed.). Soil and Plant-Tissue Testing in California. University of California, Division of Agricultural Sciences, Bulletin 1879. pp. 38-40.
    18. Rosen, C.J., 2013. Potato fertilization on irrigated soils (reviewed in 2021). University of Minnesota Extension
    19. Rosen, C.J, Kelling, K.A., Stark, J.C., Porter, G.A., 2014. Optimizing phosphorus fertilizer management in potato production. American Journal of Potato Research 91, 145-160.
    20. Rosen, C., McNearney, M., Bierman, P., 2012. Optimizing potassium management for irrigated potato production: Russet Burbank. Research Report to the Northern Plains Potatao Grower's Association.
    21. Rosen, C., McNearney, M., Crants, J., Bierman, P., 2015a. Optimizing potassium management for irrigated potato production: Red Norland. In: Northern Plains Potato Growers Association 2015 Research Reports.
    22. Rosen, C., McNearney, M., Crants, J., Bierman, P., 2015b. Optimizing potassium management for irrigated potato production: Russet Burbank. In: Northern Plains Potato Growers Association 2015 Research Reports.
    23. Snyder, C., 2010. Potassium and potatoes. Western Farm Press April 26, 2010. Accessed 10/11/2022.
    24. Stark, J., Westermann, D., Hopkins, B., 2004. Nutrient management guide for Russet Burbank potatoes. University of Idaho Extension bulletin 840.
    25. Trehan, S.P., Roy, S.K., Sharma, R.C., 2001. Potato variety differences in nutrient deficiency symptoms and responses to NPK. Better Crops International 15, 18-21.
    26. Tyler, K.B., Lorenz, O.A., Nelson, P.M., Bishop, J.C., 1959. Soil potassium for potatoes: Depletion of soil potassium by cropping necessitates potash fertilization in certain areas of Kern and Tulare counties. California Agriculture 12, 8-8.
    27. Ulrich, A., 1993. Potato. In: Bennett, W.F., (Ed.). Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities in Crop Plants. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul., MN. pp 149-156.
    28. Voss, R.E., 2004. Reducing fertilizer needs of potato with new varieties and clonal strains of existing varieties. FREP final report