Geisseler Lab
Nutrient Management
In peer reviewed journals
- Santiago, S., Light, S.E., Clark N.E., Wang, Z., Mathesius, K. , Geisseler, D., 2022.
Seasonal net nitrogen mineralization in the topsoil of subsurface drip irrigated fields.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.
- Geisseler, D., Vazquez, M., Savidge, M., Lloyd, M., 2022. Effect of grafting and
cover crop quality on nitrogen uptake from different pools by drip irrigated heirloom
tomatoes in an open field trial. Journal of Plant Nutrition.
- Biscaro, A., Riffle, V., Geisseler, D., 2022. Assessing nitrogen uptake and the
impact of fertilizer amounts and sources on strawberry production in California.
Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 5:e20293.
- Santiago, S., Geisseler, D. 2022. Effects of moisture contents in incorporated
residues and soil on net nitrogen mineralization in a laboratory study.
Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 5, e20268.
- Geisseler, D., Soto Ortiz, R., Diaz, J., 2022. Nitrogen nutrition and
fertilization of onions (Allium cepa L.) – A literature review.
Scientia Horticulturae, 291, 110591.
- Geisseler, D., Smith, R., Cahn, M., Muramoto, J., 2021. Nitrogen mineralization
from organic fertilizers and composts: Literature survey and model fitting.
Journal of Environmental Quality, 50:1325–1338.
- Lazicki, P., Rodrigues, J.L.M., Geisseler, D., 2021. Acid stress and compost
addition decouple carbon and nitrogen cycling in an agricultural soil: an incubation
study. Applied Soil Ecology, 169, 104219.
- Lazicki, P., Rodrigues, J.L.M., Geisseler, D., 2021. Sensitivity and variability
of soil health indicators in a California cropping system.
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 85: 1827-1842.
- Lazicki, P., Geisseler, D., 2021. Relating indicators to soil health functions
in conventional and organic Mediterranean cropping systems.
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 85, 1843-1857.
- Montazar, A., Geisseler, D., Cahn, M., 2021. Spatial variability of nitrogen
uptake and net removal, and actual evapotranspiration in the California
desert carrot production system. Agriculture, 11, 752.
- Milkereit, J., Geisseler, D., Lazicki, P., Settles, M.L., Durbin-Johnson, B.P.,
Hodson, A. 2021. Interactions between nitrogen availability, bacterial communities,
and nematode indicators of soil food web function in response to organic amendments.
Applied Soil Ecology, 157, 103767.
- Geisseler, D., Wilson, R., 2020. Nitrogen in potato rotations with cover crops:
Field trial and simulations using DSSAT. Agronomy Journal 112, 2275-2287.
- Geisseler D., Aegerter, B.J., Clark, N.E., Miyao, E.M., Cahn M.D., 2019.
Nitrogen in soil and subsurface drip-irrigated processing tomato plants
(Solanum lycopersicum L.) as affected by fertilization level.
Scientia Horticulturae. doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2019.108999
- Lazicki, P. Geisseler, D. Lloyd, M., 2020. Nitrogen mineralization from
organic amendments is variable but predictable. Journal of Environmental
Quality 49, 483-495. doi: 10.2134/jeq2019.04.0177
- Wilson, R., Culp, D., Peterson S., Nicholson, K., Geisseler, D., 2019. Cover
crops prove effective at increasing soil nitrogen for organic potato production.
California Agriculture 73, 79-89.
- Geisseler D., Miller, K., Leinfelder-Miles, M., Wilson, R., 2019. Use of soil
protein pools as indicators of soil N mineralization potential. Soil Science
Society of America Journal 83, 1236-1243.
- Geisseler D., Miller, K., Aegerter, B.J., Clark, N.E., Miyao, E.M., 2019.
Estimation of annual soil nitrogen mineralization rates using an organic-nitrogen
budget approach. Soil Science Society of America Journal 83, 1227-1235.
- Miller, K., Aegerter, B.J., Clark, N.E., Leinfelder-Miles, M., Miyao, E.M.,
Smith, R., Wilson, R., Geisseler D., 2019. Relationship between soil properties
and nitrogen mineralization in undisturbed soil cores from California
agroecosystems. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 50, 77-92.
- Miller, K.S., Geisseler, D., 2018. Temperature sensitivity of nitrogen
mineralization in agricultural soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 54:853-860.
- Geisseler, D., Linquist, B.A., Lazicki, P.A., 2017. Effect of fertilization
on soil microorganisms in paddy rice systems - A meta-analysis. Soil Biology &
Biochemistry 115, 452-460.
- Lazicki, P.A., Geisseler, D., 2017. Soil nitrate testing supports nitrogen
management in irrigated annual crops. California Agriculture 71, 90-95.
- Faust, D., Heinze, S., Ngosong, C., Sradnick, A., Oltmanns, M., Raupp, J.,
Geisseler, G., Joergensen, R.G., 2017. Effect of biodynamic soil amendments on
microbial communities in comparison with inorganic fertilization. Applied Soil
Ecology, 114: 82-89.
- Yang, L., Zhang, L., Geisseler, D., Wu, Z., Gong, P., Xue, Y., Yu, C.,
Juan, Y., Horwath, W.R., 2016. Available C and N affect the utilization of
glycine by soil microorganisms. Geoderma 283, 32-38.
- Geisseler, D., Miyao, G., 2016. Soil testing for P and K has value for
annual crops. California Agriculture 70, 152-159.
- Geisseler, D., Lazicki, P.A., Scow, K.M., 2016. Mineral nitrogen input
decreases microbial biomass in soils under grasslands but not annual crops.
Applied Soil Ecology 106, 1-10.
- Pinggera, J., Geisseler, D., Merbach, I., Joergensen, R.G., Ludwig, B.,
2015. Effect of substrate quality on the N uptake routes of soil microorganisms
in an incubation experiment. European Journal of Soil Biology 69, 17-23.
- Pinggera, J., Geisseler, D., Piepho H.P., Joergensen, R.G., Ludwig, B.,
2015. Effect of substrate quality on the N uptake routes of soil microorganisms
in different soil depths. Pedobiologia 58, 211-218.
- Linsler D., Taube F., Geisseler D., Joergensen, R.G., Ludwig B. 2015.
Temporal variations of the distribution of water-stable aggregates, microbial
biomass and ergosterol in temperate grassland soils with different cultivation
histories. Geoderma 241-242, 221-229.
- Geisseler, D., Horwath, W.R. 2014. Elimination of transamination during
chloroform fumigation to determine uptake of labeled amino acids by soil
microorganisms. Soil Science Society of America Journal 78, 1661-1663.
- Sänger, A., Geisseler, D., Ludwig, B., 2014. C and N dynamics of a range of
digestates as a function of application rate and soil texture: a laboratory
experiment. Archives of Agronomy & Soil Science 60, 1779-1794.
- Geisseler, D., Scow, K.M. 2014. Long-term effects of mineral fertilizers on
soil microorganisms - A review. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 75, 54-63.
- Geisseler, D., Horwath, W.R. 2014. Investigating amino acid utilization by
soil microorganisms using compound specific stable isotope analysis. Soil
Biology & Biochemistry 74, 100-105.
- Linsler D., Geisseler D., Loges R., Taube F., Ludwig B. 2014. Effects of
tillage and application of cattle slurry on carbon pools and aggregate
distribution in temperate grassland soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil
Science, 177, 388-394.
- Andruschkewitsch R., Geisseler D., Dultz, S., Ludwig B. 2014. Rate of
soil-aggregate formation under different organic matter amendments - A short-
term incubation experiment. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 177,
- Piegholdt, C., Geisseler, D., Koch, H.J., Ludwig, B., 2013. Long-term
tillage effects on the distribution of phosphorus fractions of loess soils in
Germany. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 176, 217-226.
- Andruschkewitsch R., Geisseler D., Koch H.J., Ludwig B. 2013. Effects of
tillage on contents of organic carbon, nitrogen, water-stable aggregates and
light fraction for four different long-term trials. Geoderma 192, 368-377.
- Linsler D., Geisseler D., Loges R., Taube F., Ludwig B. 2013. Temporal
dynamics of soil organic matter composition and aggregate distribution in
permanent grassland after a single tillage event in a temperate climate. Soil &
Tillage Research 126, 90-99.
- Maqsood, S., Geisseler, D., Rauber, R., Ludwig, B. 2012. Long-term impacts
of different tillage intensities on the C and N dynamics of a Haplic Luvisol,
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 59, 1517-1528.
- Geisseler, D., Joergensen, R.G., Ludwig, B. 2012. Temporal effect of straw
addition on amino acid utilization by soil microorganisms. European Journal of
Soil Biology 53, 107-113.
- Geisseler, D., Joergensen, R.G., Ludwig, B. 2012. Potential soil enzyme
activities are decoupled from microbial activity in dry residue-amended soil.
Pedobiologia 55, 253-261.
- Geisseler, D., Lazicki, P.A., Pettygrove, G.S., Ludwig, B., Bachand,
P.A.M., Horwath, W.R. 2012. Nitrogen dynamics in irrigated forage systems
fertilized with liquid dairy manure. Agronomy Journal 104, 897-907.
- Geisseler, D., Linsler, D., Piegholdt, C., Andruschkewitsch, R., Raupp, J.,
Ludwig, B. 2011. Distribution of phosphorus in size fractions of sandy soils
with different fertilization histories. Journal of Plant Nutrition & Soil
Science 174, 891-898.
- Sänger, A., Geisseler, D., Ludwig, B. 2011. Effects of moisture and
temperature on greenhouse gas emissions and C and N leaching losses in soil
treated with biogas slurry. Biology and Fertility of Soils 47, 249-259.
- Geisseler, D., Horwath, W.R., Scow, K.M. 2011. Soil moisture and plant
residue addition interact in their effect on extracellular enzyme activity.
Pedobiologia 54, 71-78.
- Ludwig, B., Geisseler, D., Michel, K., Joergensen, R.G., Schulz, E.,
Merbach, I., Raupp, J., Rauber, R., Hu, K., Niu, L., Liu, X. In press. Effects
of fertilization and soil management on crop yields and carbon stabilization in
soils. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 31, 361-372.
- Geisseler, D., Horwath, W.R., Joergensen, R.G., Ludwig, B. 2010. Pathways
of nitrogen utilization by soil microorganisms - A review. Soil Biology &
Biochemistry 42, 2058-2067.
- Sänger, A., Geisseler, D., Ludwig, B. 2010. Effects of rainfall pattern on
carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soil amended with biogas slurry and composted
cattle manure. Journal of Plant Nutrition & Soil Science 173, 692-698.
- Geisseler, D., Horwath, W.R., Doane, T.A., 2009. Significance of organic
nitrogen uptake from plant residues by soil microorganisms as affected by
carbon and nitrogen availability. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 41, 1281-1288.
- Geisseler, D., Doane, T.A., Horwath, W.R., 2009. Determining glutamine
synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase activity in soil. Soil Biology &
Biochemistry 41, 1741-1749.
- Geisseler, D., Horwath, W.R., 2009. Short-term dynamics of soil carbon,
microbial biomass, and soil enzyme activities as compared to longer-term
effects of tillage in irrigated row crops. Biology and Fertility of Soils 46,
- Geisseler, D., Horwath, W.R., 2009. Relationship between carbon and
nitrogen availability and extracellular enzyme activities in soil. Pedobiologia
53, 87-98.
- Geisseler, D., Horwath, W.R., 2008. Regulation of extracellular protease
activity in soil in response to different sources and concentrations of
nitrogen and carbon. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 40, 3040-3048.
Other articles
- Geisseler, D., Scow, K.M., 2014. Does long-term use of mineral fertilizers
affect the soil microbial biomass? Better Crops 98(4), 13-15.
- Horwath, W.R., Geisseler, D., 2012. Assessment of plant fertility and
fertilizer requirements for agricultural crops in California. Proceedings of
the 20th Annual Fertilizer Research and Education Program Conference, 40-43.
- Horwath, W.R., Geisseler, D., 2013. Assessment of plant fertility and
fertilizer requirements for agricultural crops in California. Proceedings of
the 21st Annual Fertilizer Research and Education Program Conference, 12-14.
- Horwath, W.R., Geisseler, D., 2014. Assessment of plant fertility and
fertilizer requirements for agricultural crops in California. Proceedings of
the 22nd Annual Fertilizer Research and Education Program Conference, 85-86.
- Geisseler, D., 2014. How to optimize n application rates while minimizing
the risk of yield loss. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Fertilizer Research and
Education Program Conference, 45-46.